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Online courses

The methodology of online courses is designed for practical consolidation of knowledge / skills, which leads to the desired result. 
All courses and master classes are recorded in Russian

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Мастер-классы по живописи маслом. Делюсь советами с начинающими художниками. Обучающие уроки по живописи маслом и мастихином.
Learn more about the course and rates

Master classes

One of the most interesting areas of my creative public activity is conducting online master classes. The catalog contains materials available on various online platforms. You can take any master class that you like, or master the basics of painting with a palette knife, having completed a whole course of a series of training lessons. I am sure that if you follow all the recommendations, then everyone will get their own original oil painting on the chosen subject. 
All courses and master classes are recorded in Russian

It is always very nice to see your photo reviews on social networks for my master classes ♡
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